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Austin, Texas, United States
I am taking this class to get myself more involved with all that is going on around me. I really have no strong view about politics yet, because I have not been keeping informed. I hope to change that. I have been rated as a conservative Democrat

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We all need it.

As I was reading through many articles in preparation of this blog. I thought to myself, how do I feel right now about Obama? What is the best way to express my feelings of urgency for necessary change in our government? I browsed for a while then found an article by Max Stier in the Washington Post.

The opening quote is what really caught my eye. I really feel that big or small, our govenment has the potential to be great, but right now it does not work. We need this change as fast as possible, because if we don't we will sink like a mafia hit with concrete shoes. I can really respect the fact that Obama hit the ground running. Appointing people just as fast as Bush could mispronounce words. Change is what our forefathers anticipated in an unknown future and they set our government up for that, but I feel we have been stagnant for too long. Feeding the mouths of the big businesses and leaving the common people behind, leaving us with the feeling of helplessness and lost hope. WE must continue as we snowball into a new era of change and make sure that the American people are rolling with us.

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