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Austin, Texas, United States
I am taking this class to get myself more involved with all that is going on around me. I really have no strong view about politics yet, because I have not been keeping informed. I hope to change that. I have been rated as a conservative Democrat

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Responce to National Sales Tax

I have to agree with the latest post from Plain truth. I feel that a national sales tax could be the way out of our current situation. The taxation system is flawed and I personally am sick at tired of paying the way for everyone. I am a giving person, but only to those that really need it. They must be willing to help themselves first, then I don't mind helping to make the ends meet. A national sales tax sound as if the equality of taxation would be even and just. When we look at all the tax breaks companies and people get for stupid reasons I get so mad that I end up footing the bill. A fair and equal taxation of the people is what our founding fathers intended and it has evolved into a means of generating unfair taxation of the people to fund many unreasonable programs. For any who are interested read about the details of the Fair tax. I support it, because I want my kids to have afair chance.

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